Eleanore Marie's First Year

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Your First Hike


You went on your first hike today Sweet Girl!  It's only February, but the weather has been gorgeous, so we decided to take you and Brother Rockne to the Governor's Mansion for a family hike.  I think you really enjoyed it...your head was swiveling this way and that taking everything in.  Just wait until the trees, bushes and flowers are in bloom; you're going to love it!

All bundled up in your ND fleece, strapped to Mommy in the Moby

Friday, February 17, 2012

Get the Baby Naked Time!

Around 6:30 every night you let us know you're tired and ready for bed.  You are waiting for those magic words that means bedtime is nearby.  Daddy gets up off the couch and gets down close to where I'm holding you.  "Ellie, it's get the baby naked time!"  A giant smile crosses your face and your legs do a little jig in midair. That becomes the mantra as we climb the stairs to the bathroom: "It's get the baby naked time, get the baby naked time, get the baby naked time!"

You love lying there munching on your fingers as Daddy pours the water over you and Mommy lifts you up so he can get your backside.


This is definitely your favorite time of the day, Eleanore, and I have a feeling you're going to like it even more once you learn how to splash!

What You Talkin' Bout Daddy?


Our new favorite picture of you, Ellie Bell!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Power of Poo


I'm very glad I didn't change out of my pajamas this morning, because you exploded in your diaper...or should I say through your diaper while you were eating.  This is definitely not the first time your diaper has not been sufficient in keeping your messes at bay.  However, it is the first time that your poo has gone through your diaper, your clothing, and both layers of Mommy's clothing too!  And everyone who has kids knows that once the stain is there, it's not going anywhere no matter what you try.  That's the power of poo. 

If any of you out there can prove me wrong, please, share your secret!  In the mean time, it's off to do another load of laundry...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Happy 4 Months!

Eleanore, you're growing so fast!  Happy four-month birthday to you!  It's funny because I can't believe that you're already four months old, but I can't remember what it was like without you...like you've been in our lives forever.  Despite you fighting your first cold (Mommy's fault for passing her germs to you) you managed to share a couple of smiles in your new outfit from Grandma.  :o)

You're talking a LOT these days too.  I think you like hearing the sound of your own voice because you'll talk to just about anyone that'll listen especially your stuffed animals.  I love hearing the gurgles and coos, but I think my favorites are the pterodactyl-like noise you make and, of course, your laugh.
Talking to Mommy
Thank you, Grandma!

Laughing at Daddy

Our first family photo since Christmas!