Eleanore, everyone loves you already! The Topeka Angels soccer girls threw you a "Welcome to the World" baby shower. You were a big hit. They were all commenting on your big cheeks and little feet. :o) You wouldn't remember because you slept through the whole thing!
I want you to remember it though, because this shower was a wonderful example of the warm welcome that you and your parents have gotten here in Topeka, Kansas. The generosity and warmth that was shown by the soccer girls and their families was beyond what your Mommy and Daddy had ever expected. They had cake and punch and snacks and all kinds of wonderful, thoughtful gifts for you!
At the end, they all went around and shared something that they wished for your future. Here are a few of their wishes:
My wish for Ellie is...
- To be a successful athlete and a smart student.
- For her life to be filled with happiness.
- That she will become a great soccer player and that she will never give up.
- That she turns out to be whatever she wants to be (hint: a soccer player would be very good!).
- That she love and be loved; may she have a heart filled with laughter and may she never walk alone.
- And the list goes on!