Eleanore Marie's First Year

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, April 16, 2012

Hopping Down to Bomaw's

You are becoming quite the traveler already Eleanore.  We took a trip down to Texas this week and literally hopped down there!  We took off in Kansas City, landed in Dallas.  Took off from Dallas, landed in Houston.  Took off from Houston, landed in Corpus Christi...all on the same plane!  Despite the terrible weather and bumpy ride, you were quite the trooper.

All that flying was well worth it - you got to meet your Great Bomaw!  You were both very excited to see one another.  Grandma couldn't wait to show off her first granddaughter to her mom!

Mommy got some pictures with the people you met, but not all of them.  You really enjoyed meeting your second cousin Sevene.  I think you two liked each other.  You had fun with your Great Aunt MaryJane, Great Aunt Terri, and second cousin Rese too.
Father Tom McGettrick made a special visit just to see you!  Your Great Aunt Terri wanted to send you home in style with these flashy sunglasses.  You weren't too sure about them on your eyes, but you liked wearing them on your head.  While you were at Bomaw's you also discovered a new tasty treat...your toes!

You also met your second cousin Rhea (who you just loved imitating!), your Great Uncle Condi, your Great Aunt Brenda, Great Uncle Bob and Great Uncle Carl...but Mommy forgot to get pictures with them!  You met quite a few of the Blaschke side while you were down there, but there are still a lot more where that came from.  :o)

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